This article will show how quick and easy it is to start over using the same Atavism Cloud Server.

Warning: This will delete all data on the server permanently!


1. Start by going to your service


2. Enter the server you wish to start over on.


3. Scroll down and wait for the VPS control panel to finish loading. When it is finished loading, you click on Install. This will bring you the OS Reinstall screen.
- Click the Ubuntu Icon to select the OS to reinstall
- Enter a good root password, or use the random generation by clicking the Key icon.
- Leave the "Format Primary Disk Only" unchecked. This is only for servers that have 2 or more disks installed.

Then click "Reinstall". This process will take a minute or two, and when it's done you can continue to use the server as you did previously. All database credentials will remain the same, so there is no need to change anything in the Atavism Editor or Unity Client.


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