15th Jun 2023
Custom Termination Module v 1.1 Released
A hotfix for the Custom Termination Module has been released.
This update fixes an issue where the Custom termination module would terminate services with the "Free" billing cycle.
How to update:
Download the new module files and upload and replace the files.
13th Dec 2022
New client portal design
Our new modern website design is sleek and intuitive, making it easy for users to navigate and find the information they need. The clean, minimalistic layout puts the focus on the content, ensuring that users can easily access and engage with it.
One of the key features of our new design is its simplicity. We've stripped away unnecessary elements ...
24th Sept 2022
New changes and features for Atavism Cloud Servers
New features are coming to Atavism cloud in the coming days and weeks.
1. Currently new Atavism Cloud servers are deployed with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS until Atavism uses a newer Java version, but users will now be able to choose between Ubuntu 18.04LTS or 22.04LTS when rebuilding the server (clean start over).
2. Since the cloud servers are ...
19th Sept 2022
IP Change for Atavism Cloud
IP change on all Atavism Cloud servers
As we have talked about on our Discord server we need to change all of our IP subnets that are in use on our Atavism Cloud platform. The reason for this is because of the energy crisis and inflation happening, this has caused our costs for the IP subnets and systems to skyrocket. And to prevent a major price ...